Study Effectively in College

Dr. Stephen Chew, professor of psychology at Samford University presents a 5 part videos series on how to study effectively in college. Watch the first video below and follow the links to view the others.

If you use ineffective or inefficient strategies you can study long and hard and still fail, but if you use effective learning strategies you can get the most learning out of your study time.


Beliefs That Make You Fail… Or Succeed
In part 1 of 5, Dr. Chew discusses beliefs that sabotage your learning and introduces the concept of metacognition – “a student’s awareness of their level of understanding a topic.”

What Students Should Know About How People Learn
Part 2 discusses shallow processing versus depth of processing. Reading or memorizing without comprehension uses shallow processing, making learning difficult. When you think about meaningful connections while studying you learn whether you intend to or not, this is depth of processing.

Cognitive Principles for Optimizing Learning
In the 3rd video, Dr. Chew explains the basic principles of how people learn and how you can apply the principles to improve your study effectiveness.

Putting Principles for Learning into Practice
In part 4, study strategies based on the learning principles discussed in the series are described. Dr. Chew covers strategies for achieving deep processing, note taking, and group study.

I Blew the Exam, Now What?
In the final video of the series, setbacks are discussed and how you can improve the situation and avoid making it worse.